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一群护理专业的学生一起工作的照片, with the text "9 ways to Become a Better Student and Get Ahead in Nursing" overlaid in a friendly and inviting font.

9 Ways to be a Better Student: Part 1 Perspective 

Why be a better student? 

如果你有一张通往人生圆满的门票, 有趣且具有挑战性的职业, what would you do with it?  

Well, surprisingly, you can! Though, you have to work for it. 你是你自己的票的创造者! 事实上,你正在决定如何处理它. Whether you are someone who loves school and naturally excels in a classroom setting, or rather, 你是那种觉得学校没什么吸引力的人, 重要的是,你要小心对待你的教育“票”, respect, and diligence. With the right attention, it just might set you up for the rest of your life.  

当然,你不需要ladbrokes立博中文版来说服你学校有多重要. 你已经知道了,这就是你来这里的原因. For many people school can feel like a frustrating and out-of-control experience. Consequently, ladbrokes立博中文版听到学生说, “我只是学习不好”或者“我只是不明白”.” Do NOT fall into the trap of believing that your potential is limited in this way. 如果你对学校感到沮丧, it might be because you have not been taught the strategies and study skills to set you up for success.

These skills are so important, 不管你是否在学校, because many of them will play a role in your life outside of school. 最重要的是,这些技能可以代代相传. 如果你能掌握做学生的技巧, you can teach your family and children how to be great students too.  



*Shameless Plug Alert! Summarizing information from dense passages is a terrific way to retain information and make reviewing your notes easier! So, if you forget what those two paragraphs described, no need to re-read them, read the summary! 

 Becoming a Better Student 

To understand how to crack the code of learning in a classroom environment, we’ll need to develop some broad skills and some more specific ones. First, we will begin by understanding the broad stroke skills, then we will deep dive. These are categories of important skills like perspective, time management, and organization. However, ladbrokes立博中文版深入研究特定的技能是很重要的, so you understand exactly how to revolutionize your student experience. These are active learning skills like note taking, in-class habits, and reading skills.  

We will be discussing 9 topics in this 3-part series in particular: 

  1. Perspective 
    A. Find purpose
    B. Activate curiosity, on purpose
    C. Own your education
  2. Organization 
    A. 准备好你需要的工具:用品、书籍等.
    B. Keep track of your assignments
    C. Managing self-care
  3. Time-management 
    A. Prioritize your priorities
    B. Create a schedule
    C. Be adaptive

*Shameless Plug Alert! Reading an outline ahead of reading material can help your mind to prepare to absorb material. In other words, 如果你的大脑知道在消化内容之前会发生什么, 它会更快更好地理解它. 如果你没有大纲,也不用担心! Get the same effect by skimming 未完全阅读教科书中的章节或段落.  






And, I know, what you’re thinking, “But invisible writer, I can’t control my attitude!”  

隐形读者,我有消息要告诉你. Yes, you can. You ABSOLUTELY can!  

Essentially, this is a skill that could quite possibly revolutionize your life. Choosing our attitudes and living our lives on purpose changes everything. Why? Doing things that we do not want to do is just downright difficult, instead we can reframe. If we can trick our brains (teach our brains) to want to do it, it automatically becomes easier. But how? Let’s break it down. 

Find Your “Why”

如果你想让你的大脑爱上学校, 你必须明白你为什么在学校. We did some work on this at the beginning of the article (see “Why be a better student?”). But we must go deeper. 你的理由和我的不一样, different from your friend’s, 和你配偶的不一样. 这就是为什么很难找到它的原因. For your “why” to really work, it should extend beyond yourself and your future. Heck! It should even extend beyond your family (though family is usually at least part of the equation).  


Let’s play a game. Bear with me. (以书面形式)回答这些问题!) and follow the instructions.  






Obviously, 如果你的答案涉及到你的家庭, your desire for a stable income, benefits of work environment, or location, that’s great. These are all very good reasons to choose a career, but right now, we need to go deeper. Answer the question again. 这一次,你不能使用我刚才提到的任何理由.  







很好,你离目标越来越近了. What is coming up for you? 你会在这份职业中找到什么目标? Who can you help? What difference can you make? 你会满足社区的需求? How will that make you feel? With these questions in mind. 再回答一次问题.   






Struggling with this exercise? Read more about what it means to have purpose as a student by reading How Can Students Find Purpose. 

Great job. Save what you wrote down. 用手机拍张照片. 你的心态已经在成长了. 在下一节中,您需要记住这一点.  

 Activate Curiosity: On Purpose

 You’ve done it. 之前,你缩小了你的目标和“为什么”.” Now we need to start using it. 激发好奇心是优秀学生的重要策略. 这一切都是为了让ladbrokes立博中文版的大脑知道ladbrokes立博中文版喜欢学习. 这需要一些心理重构和特定的技能. Next time you are about to read a passage or learn something new, start with a question. Let’s go through an example. 

Imaginary Exercise: 

You are a student in “Beckfield’s College of Being a Better Student.” Your instructor assigned you to read “9 Ways to be a Better Student: Part 1 Perspective.“你有点恼火,因为它看起来很长, but you’ve been paying attention in your Being a Better Student 101 class, so you know what to do. 下面是你的待办事项清单. 

  1. Write down the assignment in your planner (Topic | Page Numbers | Due Date)  
  2. 略读文本,寻找大纲或摘要 
  3. 激发好奇心:问自己一个关于文章的问题. Examples:
    “ How can I make approaching boring topics more interesting by activating my curiosity?”
  4. 带着你的问题深入阅读课文. Answer your question as you read.  

在深入阅读之前先略读,以激发你的好奇心. 浏览完文章后,问自己一个关于. 你可能会对什么东西感兴趣或好奇? 每个人看起来都不一样.  

想了解更多激发好奇心的力量? Check out 科学空间:激发好奇心.  

*Shameless Plug Alert! Creating your own exam questions or imaginary exercises can be a fantastic way to solidify new knowledge! 

 Own Your Education

Earlier, we identified our “why” and leveraged it to teach our minds to be curious about material before we consume it. 最后,是时候谈谈具体细节了! I promised you we would start broad and go more specifically, and here we are. 

How else can we own our education and make it a wonderful experience?  

  1. 与你的导师建立专业关系.
    Introduce yourself after class on the first day and make an effort to meet and talk to your instructor. This can make going to office hours or asking for help more manageable in the future. 老师喜欢看到学生关心他们.  
  1. Ask Questions
    If you are going to own your education, you have to be responsible for it! Don’t fall behind. When you have a question, ask it, or write it down to ask at the end of class. Instructors love to see students advocating for themselves and paying attention. 这会显示出你的专注和细心.  
  1. 到办公时间/请求预约
    If you find yourself feeling helpless or hopeless in a class, you’ve waited too late. So, as soon as material begins to feel overwhelming or your grades begin dropping, 与你的指导老师预约办公时间或预约时间. 问这样的问题:“你建议我怎么准备考试??” “I’m feeling overwhelmed with reading this textbook, how do you suggest I approach it?”“你对这门课有什么具体的学习策略建议吗?“你的老师是你的第一资源. Use them. 

你想了解更多的策略来拥有你的教育吗? Check out 10 Ways to Take Control of Your Own Studies (Even While You’re Still at School).  

现在,ladbrokes立博中文版终于要分道扬镳了. You are now undoubtedly armed with everything you need to improve your perspective and teach your brain to love learning. At the present time, if you need some reading material, check out the related blog How to Be Succesful in Nursing School where Dean of Nursing, Dr. 史密斯-克莱分享了她作为一名学生取得成功的秘诀. 

然而,这些东西只有在你练习的时候才有效. Go! 练习一段时间,继续关注第2部分:组织. In the meantime, find your why, activate curiosity and own your education. We believe in you. 


– Beckfield College