ladbrokes立博中文版提供许多奖学金. Some are designed to help students as they begin their college careers; others are awarded as they progress in their program.
所有奖学金视资金情况而定. 请参阅 校园目录 for detailed information regarding the current scholarship opportunities.
- 肯塔基州优秀教育奖学金:
KEES奖学金提供给肯塔基州联邦居民的肯塔基高中毕业生. KEES奖学金最多可用于8个学期,并且必须在获得学士学位或高中毕业后5年内使用. KEES奖学金只适用于秋季和春季学期. KEES奖学金不需要申请. High schools will send information on all eligible students to the Kentucky Department of Education, which will forward the information to the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority for processing. Award estimates are based on full-time enrollment (12 credit hours per quarter). Awards for students enrolled for 6 to 11 credit hours are prorated.
For the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES), a student must:
1. 成为肯塔基州的居民,
2. Attend a participating Kentucky institution of higher education, 和
3. 没有被判重罪.
4. 必须保持G.P.A. of 2.5、在正常完成时间内顺利毕业.
- 南丁格尔奖学金(3年BSN):
学院提供10美元,000 scholarship to new students who meet certain criteria for a need-based scholarship. Students interested should meet with a financial aid advisor for more information. The scholarship will be awarded in the student’s final financial aid award year. This scholarship offer may not be combined with any other institutional scholarships or grants.
1. 与财务援助顾问会面,以确定需要
2. 符合一般入学要求
3. 新学生
Recipients of the scholarship are expected to adhere to the requirements below for continued eligibility. 不符合下列任何条件的奖学金获得者可能会被开除. 任何被开除的学生将被收取剩余学期的学费, at the published tuition rate listed in the Beckfield大学 目录.
1. 连续招生__
2. 保持累积G值.P.A. of 2.9
3. 保持良好的学术成绩
4. Adhere to the Beckfield大学 目录 和 护理 Student H和book
5. No student conduct issues that result in disciplinary action taken by the College or any clinical site.
- 护理奖励奖学基金:
护理奖励奖学金基金(NISF)为肯塔基州的居民提供奖学金,他们将参加经批准的执照前护理课程(注册护士或实践护士)或研究生护理课程. NISF recipients are selected individually by the Board of 护理, using specified criteria. 每项奖学金的金额为 $3,000 每年. NISF scholarships may be used for cost of living expenses, as well as school expenses.
NISF奖的申请人必须是肯塔基州居民, 和 have been admitted to a nursing program (whether located in Kentucky or not) completing core nursing courses. Students completing prerequisite classes are not eligible to apply. 有经济需要的申请人将优先获得奖学金, 注册护士接受注册护士教育, 以及攻读护理研究生教育的注册护士. You may submit an application even if you do not qualify for financial aid. 如果在整个护理课程中保持成功的学业进步,并且您已经提交了继续申请,那么奖学金获得者可能有资格获得继续奖励.
满足经济需求的优先类别, remember to apply early for financial aid through the school you are attending. 处理和收到学生援助报告(SAR)需要几个星期的时间,这是考虑经济需要所必需的. Submit the SAR (all pages 1-8 or less; 1-3 or less if filed on web; the SAR must include both EFC# 和 a statement of Pell eligibility) along with the application form. You may submit an application even if you do not qualify for financial aid. Application forms received by the June 1 deadline will be given the same consideration as those received early.
参加执照预备课程的学生 & 注册护士(RN)和BSN完成护理课程每学年必须完成至少15个学分的公布护理课程要求,每学分3美元,获得2000万NISF奖学金. Graduate nursing programs require completion of 9 credit hours per academic year. The required number of credit hours 每年 can be divided between the fall, 春季和夏季课程. 大多数在线课程,包括Excelsior,都被接受. Students must maintain a minimum grade point average that will allow continuation in a nursing program. 奖学金要求受助人在资助的每学年必须在肯塔基州全职工作一年. The work obligation begins after graduation from the program which you are funded. 如果一个
recipient does not complete the nursing program within the time frame specified by the program, 或者如果接受者没有完成规定的工作, then the recipient will be required to repay any NISF monies awarded, 加上应计利息.
- 高中奖学金:
ladbrokes立博中文版每年为即将入学的高中毕业生提供一项全额或两项半学费奖学金. 有资格获得考虑, the applicant must meet the admission requirements of his or her program. 申请必须在学生四年级的4月1日之前提交给招生办公室,并且必须随附:
1. A high school transcript indicating a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.0对4.0规模
2. 三封老师的推荐信, 辅导员, 及/或雇主(非家庭成员), 和
3. 一篇至少500字的打印论文,详细解释为什么学生想要在申请领域的职业生涯,以及为什么学生会在这个领域取得成功.The selection process also requires an interview with the College’s Scholarship Committee, 谁将挑选奖学金获得者. Scholarship winners 和 their high schools will be notified when the awards are made. An awarded scholarship will be withdrawn if the student fails to graduate from high school.In order to retain the High School Scholarship, the student must:
1. Enroll in the College no later than the fall quarter following his or her application,
2. 保持累积平均绩点不低于2分.75,
3. 不受干扰地执行他或她的计划,
4. Comply with policies 和 procedures published in the College catalog, 和
5. Perform on-campus service at the College as determined by the Director of 职业服务.关于高中奖学金的更多信息可以从学院的学生金融服务办公室获得.
- 肯塔基州国民警卫队学费奖励计划:
This award program is available only to those enlisted in military service.了解更多信息, students should contact the Veteran’s Certifying Official in the Office of 学生财务服务.
- 退伍军人教育援助:
Individual programs at Beckfield大学 are approved for education 和 training under the G.I. 比尔®. Eligibility of each student 和 program of study is determined by the U.S. 退伍军人管理局. 申请表格可通过学院的办公室获得
学生财务服务. 认为自己有资格获得教育福利的退伍军人应该在预定的入学日期之前与学院联系,预约帮助.
- 医疗保健机会补助金(仅限贝克菲尔德毕业生)
Beckfield大学 is offering a grant to any student who has graduated from Beckfield大学. 学院设立了这项资助,以帮助那些想要通过注册学院的副学士学位或3年的理学学士学位过渡到护理领域的毕业生, 护理程序. A $3,000 grant will be given to students enrolling in the Associate of Applied Science, 护理程序. A $5,000 grant will be given to students enrolling in the 3-year Bachelor of Science, 任何申请进入学院护理专业的学生都必须符合学院目录中规定的入学要求. The grant may be used to cover tuition, books, 和 other school-related expenses. 有关医疗保健机会补助金的更多信息可从学院的学生金融服务办公室获得.
1. Graduate of Beckfield大学’s Allied Health programs (Diploma or Associate)
2. 符合一般入学要求
Recipients of the grant are expected to adhere to the requirements below for continued eligibility. Tuition is billed on a term-by-term basis; therefore, 每个学生的持续资格将在每个学期开始和/或将奖学金收益授予学生的账户分类账之前进行验证. 不符合以下任何要求的奖学金获得者可能会被开除. Any student who is dismissed from the grant program will be charged tuition for any remaining academic terms, at the published tuition rate listed in the Beckfield大学 目录.
1. 连续招生__
2. 保持累积G值.P.A. of 2.9
3. 保持良好的学术成绩
4. Adhere to the Beckfield大学 目录 和 护理 Student H和book
5. No student conduct issues that result in disciplinary action taken by the College or any clinical site
- 福利奖学金(仅限贝克菲尔德毕业生)
ladbrokes立博中文版(Beckfield大学 $2,000 任何从ladbrokes立博中文版的医疗辅助或医疗账单和编码项目毕业的学生都可以获得奖学金. 学院设立这项奖学金是为了帮助那些想要通过注册学院的实用护理文凭课程过渡到护理专业的毕业生. 任何申请进入学院护理专业的学生都必须符合学院目录中规定的入学要求. The scholarship may be used to cover tuition, books, 和 other school-related expenses. 关于福利奖学金的更多信息可以从学院的学生金融服务办公室获得.
3. Graduate of Beckfield大学’s Medical Assisting or 医疗帐单 和 Coding programs (Diploma or Associate)
4. 符合一般入学要求
The grant recipients are expected to adhere to the requirements below for continued eligibility. Tuition is billed on a term-by-term basis; therefore, 每个学生的持续资格将在每个学期开始和/或将奖学金收益授予学生的账户分类账之前进行验证. 不符合以下任何要求的奖学金获得者可能会被开除. 任何被开除的学生将按照ladbrokes立博中文版目录中列出的公布学费收取剩余学期的学费.
5. 连续招生__
6. 保持累积G值.P.A. of 2.9
7. 保持良好的学术成绩
8. Adhere to the Beckfield大学 目录 和 护理 Student H和book
9. No student conduct issues that result in disciplinary action taken by the College or any clinical site
- HEALING TOUCH奖学金(仅限贝克菲尔德毕业生)
ladbrokes立博中文版提供2美元,000奖学金给任何从ladbrokes立博中文版毕业并希望参加医学按摩治疗项目的学生. The scholarship may be used to cover tuition, books, 和 other school-related expenses. 有关康复触摸奖学金的更多信息可从学院的学生金融服务办公室获得.
1. Graduate of Beckfield大学’s Allied Health programs (Diploma or Associate)
2. 符合一般入学要求
Recipients of the grant are expected to adhere to the requirements below for continued eligibility. Tuition is billed on a term-by-term basis; therefore, 每个学生的持续资格将在每个学期开始和/或将奖学金收益授予学生的账户分类账之前进行验证. 不符合以下任何要求的奖学金获得者可能会被开除. 任何被开除的学生将按照ladbrokes立博中文版目录中列出的公布学费收取剩余学期的学费.
1. 连续招生__
2. 保持累积G值.P.A. of 2.9
3. 保持良好的学术成绩
4. Adhere to the Beckfield大学 目录 和 护理 Student H和book
5. No student conduct issues that result in disciplinary action taken by the College or any clinical site
- 私人奖学金:
许多基础, 公司, 教堂, 服务机构为学生提供经济援助资金. 学生通常直接向潜在的捐赠者申请.